3. Certification and software development for critical aeronautical systems
This section begins with a reminder of the constraints imposed by certification objectives on a typical aeronautical software development process (§ 3.1 ), and highlights the importance of the verification process (§ 3.2 ). It then introduces development assurance and quality assurance in the context of aeronautical certification (§...
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Certification and software development for critical aeronautical systems
JORF, "Décret n° 2013-367 du 29 avril 2013 relatif aux règles d'utilisation, de navigabilité et d'immatriculation des aéronefs militaires et des aéronefs appartenant à l'État et utilisés par les services de douanes, de sécurité publique et de sécurité civile" (2013). https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr/eli/decret/2013/4/29/2013-367/jo/texte
- International Electrotechnical Commission, "Functional Safety of Electrical/Electronic/Programmable Electronic Safety-related Systems", https://www.iec.ch/functionalsafety/standards/ - IEC 61508 - 2010
- RTCA SC-205, EUROCAE WG-12, DO-178C/ED12C, “Software Considerations in Airborne Systems and Equipment Certification” - RTCA DO-178C - 2012
- ISO TC22/SC3/WG16, "Road vehicles – Functional safety", First edition 2011,...
Jira, Atlassian, 2002. http://www.atlassian.com/software/jira
Tuleap, Enalean. 2011, http://www.tuleap.org
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