
This article deals with digital media and their management in a smartphone. In a first part are specified the digital media formats that can be managed on a smartphone, both the audio / photo / video formats, as well as their file formats, especially in the Android environment. A second part specifies the interfaces available on the smartphone and necessary for the management and use of the media, both for acquisition (shooting and sound recording), playback (listening and viewing) and their transfer. The third part explains the functions specific to the management of digital media. Numerous applications to help perform these functions are referenced.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Jean-Noël GOUYET: Training engineer and consultant in digital media techniques and management - Former researcher at INA's Research Department
The main aim of this article is to provide an overview of digital media, their use and management within a smartphone and its environment.
First coined in 1995, the term "smartphone" refers to a class of mobile terminals (multi-purpose mobile computing devices), and more specifically to cell phones. After the development of a few precursors in the late 1990s and early 2000s (Personal Digital Assistant PDA + hybrid phones, cell phones with small screens), the first "modern" models became widespread (Blackberry in 2002, iPhone 1 era generation in 2007...).
Since then, the smartphone has become a multifunctional mobile for communicating, sharing and interacting (telephony, messaging, social networks, networked games), getting information (Internet), managing (calculator, contactless payment) and getting around (geolocation, compass, cartography). But it has also become a multimedia mobile for taking photos (photophone) and videos, recording sounds, viewing them, storing them, editing them, sharing them... It has therefore very quickly become an everyday object and a "media center" in a global digital environment. In fact, it's worth noting that smartphone specifications place far more emphasis on "media" parameters than on telephony.
Although this device incorporates increasingly high-performance components and technologies, the use and management of digital media comes up against several difficulties:
support for multiple media essence formats (audio/fixed image, photo/video) and associated container formats;
the use of wired and wireless sound and image capture and playback interfaces;
management of user functions (store, search, edit, etc.).
The three parts of this article provide information on how to overcome these difficulties by :
specifying the digital media formats that can be supported on a smartphone, both media essence formats (audio/photo/video) as well as their container (file) formats, especially in the Android environment, which is the most widespread operating system;
specifying the interfaces and their parameters, necessary for managing and using the media and available on the smartphone, both for acquisition (for taking pictures and sounds), restitution (for listening and viewing) and communication (for transferring to and from the outside);
clarifying the functions specific to digital media management (such as storing – saving, protecting, sorting – classifying – searching, listening – viewing – identifying, editing,...
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androïd | smartphone | interfaces | digital media | media format | audio | still picture | photo | video
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Digital media & smartphones: formats, interfaces, management
Digital media formats for smartphones
- (1) - EBU/SMPTE - Task Force for Harmonized Standards for the Exchange of Programme Material as Bitstreams – Final Report - https://tech.ebu.ch/docs/techreview/ebu-smpte-tf-bitstreams.pdf...
Standards and norms
- Information technology – Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information – Part 7: Advanced Audio Coding (AAC) https://www.iso.org/standard/43345.html. - ISO/IEC 13818-7 - 2006
- Video Coding fot low bit rate communication. Annex X: Profiles and levels definition. https://www.itu.int/rec/T-REC-H.263-200403-S !AnnX/fr - ITU-T Rec. H.263 - 03/2004
- Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirements...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
Android (Google)
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