The significant deployment of machine-to-machine communication services is based upon the usage of a Ipv6 federative layer guaranteeing technological interoperability. It is also essential to use an efficient routing protocol which is able to take into account the characteristics and constraints of such an environment. This article describes the current standardization works concerning the specification of the RPL routing protocol based on IPv6. it also presents the emblematic case of the development of machine-to-machine communication services within various environments as well as the state-of-the-art RPL developments.
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Christian JACQUENET: Director of Strategic Programs, IP Networks - France Telecom
Sensors are part of our daily lives. Whether to measure temperature, detect movement or qualify air pollution levels, the applications are both multiple and protean.
The use of data acquired by sensors naturally justifies the development of network infrastructures capable of absorbing high volumes of traffic while ensuring a level of quality and reliability compatible with the nature of the data transmitted.
For example, the importance of monitoring biometric data characteristic of an individual's state of health is not equivalent to that of environmental data and data characteristic of the state of automobile traffic within an urban community, which may motivate different routing, traffic engineering and operating rules from one service to another.
Although sensor technology is now widely mastered, it remains fundamentally proprietary, and as such, its networking presents characteristics and constraints that can vary from one environment to another.
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Dynamic routing and sensor networks
HART Forum http://www.hartcomm2.org/hart_protocol/protocol/what_is_hart.html
IETF roll group charter http://www.ietf.org/html.charters/roll-charter.html
RPL developments at...
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