1. Reminders
Let's call Δ the aberrant normal deviation (deviation between the reference sphere and the wave surface counted perpendicular to these surfaces). The illumination distribution in the image plane (figure 1 ) is characterized by the function , square of the electric field amplitude :
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French Standards Association (Afnor)
- Optics and optical instruments – Optical treatments – Part 1: Definitions. Classification number: S10-005. - NF ISO 9211-1 - 6-1995
- Optics and optical instruments – Drawing indications for optical elements and systems – Part 1: General. Classification number: S10-008-1. - NF ISO 10110-1 - 12-1996
- Optics and optical instruments – Drawing indications for optical elements...
CILAS (Compagnie Industrielle des Lasers) http://www.cilas.com
Cybernetix http://www.cybernetix.fr
Essilor http://www.essilor.fr
GIAT Industries...
Office national d'études et de recherches aérospatiales (Onera) http://www.onera.fr
Institut d'optique théorique et appliquée (IOTA) http://www.institutoptique.fr
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