1. Network operation issues
Extra-high-voltage (EHV) transmission and interconnection networks link production centers with major consumption areas. They bring the energy produced at a given moment to where it is consumed. They also enable power to be exchanged, via interconnection lines, between countries or large areas belonging to different network operators.
We'll use the commonly used term "extra-high voltage" here, corresponding to the HTB high-voltage range (UTE C 18-510 standard) for values from 150 to 800 kV: in France, 225 and 400 kV.
Three major objectives govern the operation of the generation-transport-consumption system, which we will also refer to as the power system, rather than the grid, a term we will reserve for all means of transporting and transforming electricity:
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Network operation issues
- (1) - Mémento de la sûreté du système électrique - (édition 2004) http://www.rte-France.com
- (2) - WEEDY (B.M.) - Electric Power Systems - . Wiley (1987).
- ...
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