The means to improve the yield of AC electrical machines consists in reducing iron losses. In order to achieve this, the non-oriented steel laminations are replaced by shifted grain-oriented steel laminations. They offer better performances when the magnetic flux circulates in the laminating direction. When shifted, they can be used in rotating field. Certain motors with shifted grain-oriented steel laminations have been developed in order to validate the process to be applied to various types of electrical machines and alternators.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Bertrand CASSORET: Doctorate in Electrical Engineering - Lecturer at the University of Artois - Researcher at LSEE
Jean-François BRUDNY: University Professor - Director, LSEE, Université d'Artois
Thierry BELGRAND: Head of Research and Development, ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel
Field: design of rotating electrical machines
Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity
Technologies involved: grain-oriented magnetic laminations
Applications: ventilation, pumping, compression, refrigeration, transport, power generation (wind turbines).
Competence centers: Systèmes Électrotechniques et Environnement laboratory, Université d'Artois, Université Lille-Nord de France. FSA Technoparc Futura 62400 BETHUNE France.
Manufacturers: ThyssenKrupp Electrical Steel
Other players worldwide: numerous research laboratories are working on the energy efficiency of electrical equipment. In France, these include the laboratories of the MEDEE cluster (Maîtrise énergétique des entraînements électriques) based in the Nord-Pas-de-Calais region, and those of the SEEDS national research group (Systèmes d'énergie électrique dans leurs dimensions sociétales).
Contact: http://www.lsee.fr ; http://www.pole-medee.com ; http://www.seedsresearch.eu
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Conversion of electrical energy
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Increasing the energy efficiency of AC motors
Standards and norms
- Classes de rendement pour les moteurs à induction triphasés à cage, mono vitesse International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC 60034-30 - 2008
- Méthode normalisées pour la détermination des pertes et du rendement à partir d'essais, International Electrotechnical Commission - IEC 60034-2 - 2007
BRUDNY (J.F.), CASSORET (B.), LEMAÎTRE (R.) (TKES), VINCENT (J.N.) (TKES). – Magnetic core and use of magnetic core for electrical machines. International Patent. PCT/EP2008/061884, March 2009.
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