7. State earthquake policy
In France, government policy on earthquakes aims to save as many lives as possible.
It is based on :
Law no. 87-565 of July 22, 1987 on the organization of civil security and the protection against major risks;
Decree no. 90-918 of October 11, 1990 (amended on June 9, 2004) on the right to information on major risks, in application of article L. 125-2 of the Environmental Code;
Decree no. 91-461 of May 14, 1991 on the prevention of seismic risk (amended by Decree no. 2000-892 of September 13, 2000);
Decree no. 2000-892 of September 13, 2000 amending the Construction and Housing Code and Decree no. 91-461 of May 14, 1991 on the prevention of seismic risk;
Articles R. 563-1 to R. 563-8-1 of the French...
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State earthquake policy
Standards and norms
- Dispositifs antisismiques - NF EN 15129 - Mai 2018
- Earthquake-resistant construction rules – Earthquake-resistant construction of single-family homes and similar buildings – Field of application – Design – Execution - NF P06-014 - Mars 1995
- Earthquake-resistant construction rules – PS rules applicable to buildings, known as PS 92 rules - DTU NF P06-013 - Décembre 1995
- Eurocode 8 – Designing structures...
Code de la construction et de l'habitation (regulatory part) : Chapter 2 – Special provisions – Section 1. Special provisions relating to seismic risk prevention – Article R. 112-1
Environment Code: articles R. 563-1 to R. 563-8 on seismic risk prevention
Highway code: articles L. 122-1 and L. 151-1
Highway code: article L. 110-3
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