
Scientific advances and seismic codes improvement make existing structures no longer designed against seismic actions. This paper describes the global method developed for the assessment and the reduction of seismic risk for existing structures on the French national road network, from preliminary vulnerability evaluations along routes to detailed assessment and retrofitting of bridges identified as critical versus seismic exposure.
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Denis DAVI: Ingénieur Divisionnaire des Travaux Publics de l'Etat – Seismic risk and infrastructure coordinator - Center d'études et d'expertises sur les risques, l'environnement, la mobilité et l'aménagement (Cerema), Direction territoriale Méditerranée, Aix-en-Provence, France
Indispensable to the functioning of our society, land transport networks are vulnerable to certain major natural hazards, such as earthquakes. Feedback from past earthquakes shows that, along road routes, bridges are both specific points of weakness and strategic nodes, for both emergency access to the disaster zone and the medium-term resumption of socio-economic activity.
Scientific advances and the evolution of earthquake engineering design regulations have raised questions about the level of resistance of existing structures to this hazard. In France, the first paraseismic rules, known as "PS69", applied from 1975 onwards, provided for simplified consideration of seismic actions, leading to structures that were generally undersized compared with more recent standards. Since 1996, application of the PS92 seismic regulations has, in theory, guaranteed adequate earthquake protection for structures located in the country's most seismic zones, but most bridges currently in service were designed earlier. It is therefore legitimate to question their ability to withstand the stresses generated by an earthquake, at least at the regulatory level. What's more, changes in national seismic zoning, imposed by Decree no. 2010-1255 of October 22, 2010 on the delimitation of seismic zones in France, have extended the number of structures likely to be affected by this hazard. This observation also raises the question of the structural requalification of recent constructions in zones where seismicity was at a lower level.
This specific problem, which is not covered for bridges by either the new national legislation or by the Eurocode 8-2 standard, raises a number of decisional and technical questions. Which structures should be diagnosed first? At what risk level should existing bridges be reinforced? What level of performance should be aimed for when reinforcing them? What diagnostic methods and strengthening techniques are available?
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vulnerability | seismology | seismic risks | buildings | bridges | risk assessment | structural dynamics
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Taking account of seismic risk on existing bridges
Software tools
SISMOA November 2010 (Online software) Sétra
The earthquake plan: a national seismic risk prevention program
AFPS: French Association for Earthquake Engineering
World Conference on Earthquake Engineering (WCEE) – World Conference on Earthquake Engineering, held every 4 years
Standards and norms
- Eurocode 8-1 Design of structures for earthquake resistance – Part 1: General rules, seismic actions and rules for buildings. - NF EN 1998-1 et NF EN 1998-1 NA, AFNOR - 2007
- Eurocode 8-2 Design of structures to withstand earthquakes – Part 2: Bridges. - NF EN 1998-2 et NF EN 1998-2 NA, AFNOR - 2007
- Eurocode...
Décret n° 2010-1254 du 22 octobre 2010 relatif à la prévention du risque sismique – JO du 24 octobre 2010 Texte 2 sur 58 NOR : DEVP0910497D.
Décret n° 2010-1255 du 22 octobre 2010 portant délimitation des zones de sismicité du territoire français – JO du 24 octobre 2010 Texte 3 sur 58 NOR : DEVP0823374D.
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
(AFPS) French Association for Earthquake Engineering
(GEPP) Study and proposal group for seismic risk prevention in France
- ...
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