5. Thermal insulation for terraces
5.1 Insulation
On terraces, thermal insulation is provided by a number of products, including :
expanded polystyrene – (EPS) – λ = 0.037 to 0.046 ;
extruded polystyrene – (PSX) – λ = 0.031 to 0.036 ;
polyvinyl chloride – (PVC) – λ = 0.031 to 0.034 ;
polyurethane – (PUR) – λ = 0.020 to 0.031 ;
cellular glass – λ = 0.050 ;
vermiculite, perlite – λ = 0.060.
Good thermal insulation has a very low λ coefficient; polyurethane foam (PUR) with λ = 0.020 to 0.031 is currently one of the best insulators. Other,...
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Thermal insulation for terraces
AFNOR http://www.afnor.fr
Agence Qualité et Construction http://www.qualiteconstruction.com
Standards and norms
Unified Technical Document (DTU)
- Travaux de bâtiment. Étanchéité des toitures. - DTU 43 -
French standards
- Travaux de bâtiment. Réfection des ouvrages d'étanchéité des toitures-terrasses ou inclinées. Partie 1 : cahier des clauses techniques. Partie 2 : cahier des clauses spéciales (référence commerciale du DTU 43.5). Indice de classement : P84-208. - NF P 84-208 - 11-02
- Travaux...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Flag SpA (brand: Flagon) http://www.flag.it
Sarnafil AG (Sarnafil brand) http://www.sarnafil.ch
Siplast (brands: Adéply thin foil, Adéalu aluminum foil and Adécuivre...
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