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Read the articleAUTHOR
Jean-Pierre LEFEBVRE: ESTP engineer, member of the FNTP technical delegation - Manager of JPL BTP Consultant
This folder is intended for all engineers involved in public works, and in particular for site managers.
The organization of public works sites corresponds to the action of preparing the site according to a precise plan, but also to the way in which the participants on this site are structured and arranged. These two aspects will be studied in this dossier, the first more specifically in the preparation phase, and the second in the execution phase.
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Organization of public works sites
Also in our database
Software tools
Software – IXBAT, Site management software for construction companies, Site organization and planning,
Dassault Système Virtools
Standards and norms
ISO 9000 (Quality) and ISO 14000 (Environment) standards from the International Organization for Standardization.
Convention collective nationale des ETAM des Travaux Publics, convention collective nationale des cadres des Travaux Publics.
Article 1792 of the French Civil Code.
Articles 1382 and 2262 of the French Civil Code.
Organizations – Federations – Associations
ETI : Product – – Practical guide to the building site. Preparing site organization
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