1. Differences between regulatory calculation and dynamic thermal simulation
STD differs from "regulatory" simulation in several respects.
The major difference between the two types of calculation is that the STD represents a totally open and parameterizable environment, whereas the regulatory calculation will impose all the assumptions to be taken into account when carrying out the simulation.
For example, the scenarios for occupying premises, switching on lighting, heating temperatures (during the day or at night) etc., are all precisely defined in the Thermal Regulations (RT), and these assumptions cannot be changed in a regulatory calculation program, where the standard RT scenarios have all been integrated.
In STD, on the other hand, all these parameters can be adjusted to best estimate the real consumption and needs of the building under study....
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Differences between regulatory calculation and dynamic thermal simulation
- (1) - STEPHENSON (D.G.), MITALAS (G.P.) - Cooling load calculations by thermal response factor method - ASHRAE Transactions 75 (1) 246-271 (1969).
- (2) - JOUVENT (M.), HUET (M.) - . – La garantie de performance énergétique (22 juillet 2013).
Software tools
TRNSYS 17 TRaNsient SYstem Simulation tool, CSTB éditions
DYNASTEE – DYnamic Analyses, Simulation and Testing – Building energy modeling
IBPSA – International Building Performance Simulation Association
Days organized by IBPSA (once a year over several days)
Standards and norms
- « Performances thermiques des composants de bâtiment, caractéristiques thermiques dynamiques ». - NF EN ISO 13786 - (Juillet 2008)
- Ergonomics of thermal environments – Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort by calculating PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria. - NF EN ISO 7730 -
- Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs....
RT2012 thermal regulations, decree of October 26, 2010.
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