4. Conclusion
Thermal simulation is therefore a key energy performance tool. It's a reliable tool, and its ergonomics are improving with each new version of the software.
These software programs are very precise and require a large number of assumptions to be entered in order to be reliable. This is where vigilance is called for. Indeed, in addition to the necessary rigor, the range of technical skills required to carry out a calculation must be very broad, including the calculation of thermal bridges and the thermal resistance values of joinery, and therefore precise knowledge of the building. But it also requires in-depth knowledge of energy production, regulation, emission and distribution systems.
Today, relatively few design offices have this know-how, so operators need to upgrade their skills. Several years' use of this type of tool is necessary...
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- (1) - STEPHENSON (D.G.), MITALAS (G.P.) - Cooling load calculations by thermal response factor method - ASHRAE Transactions 75 (1) 246-271 (1969).
- (2) - JOUVENT (M.), HUET (M.) - . – La garantie de performance énergétique (22 juillet 2013).
Software tools
TRNSYS 17 TRaNsient SYstem Simulation tool, CSTB éditions
DYNASTEE – DYnamic Analyses, Simulation and Testing – Building energy modeling
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Standards and norms
- « Performances thermiques des composants de bâtiment, caractéristiques thermiques dynamiques ». - NF EN ISO 13786 - (Juillet 2008)
- Ergonomics of thermal environments – Analytical determination and interpretation of thermal comfort by calculating PMV and PPD indices and local thermal comfort criteria. - NF EN ISO 7730 -
- Standard Method of Test for the Evaluation of Building Energy Analysis Computer Programs....
RT2012 thermal regulations, decree of October 26, 2010.
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