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Abdelkader GAÏD: Doctor of Science - Head of Department Veolia Water - Technical Department Veolia Water
Ln uses the term "sludge" to refer to all liquid, pasty or solid waste from wastewater treatment plants. Sewage sludge refers to all concentrated phases resulting from phase separation operations (settling, thickening, filtration, dewatering, etc.) in wastewater treatment.
A wastewater treatment plant produces around 2–3 m 3 per 1,000 inhabitants every day. The sludge extracted contains a high proportion of organic matter and is therefore fermentable. Depending on its intended use, the sludge is treated and conditioned to reduce its volume and ensure stabilization and hygienization.
This chapter presents a wide range of current sludge treatment and recovery techniques.
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Sludge treatment
General works
Décret n° 94-469 du 3 juin 1994 relatif à la collecte et au traitement des eaux usées mentionnées aux articles L. 372-1-1 et L. 372-3 du code des communes [NOR : ENVE9420024D] (JORF n° 131 du 8 juin 1994, page 8).
Décret n° 97-1133 du 8 décembre 1997 relatif à l'épandage des boues issues du traitement des eaux usées [NOR : ATEE9750078D] (JORF n° 286 du 10 décembre 1997, page 17822).
Standards and norms
- Wastewater treatment plants – Part 8: Sludge storage and treatment (classification index: P16-700-8) - NF EN 12255-8 - 2001
- Sludge characterization – Sedimentation properties – Part 2: Determination of thickenability (classification index: X33-027-2) - NF EN 14702-2 - 2006
- Sludge characterization – Enumeration and viability of helminth parasite eggs – Method using a triple flotation technique (classification...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors
(non-exhaustive list)
Welders Filtration Technology
Huber Technology
US Filter
Granit Technology
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