The material properties of clay products are linked to the quantity of clay within the initial blend and the porosity obtained. According to the mixture and process, the ceramic body can have little porosity (roof tile and pavement), or be very porous with good thermal insulation properties which are used in the production of a certain type of bricks. This article presents the main products of the heavy clay industry such as facing bricks, perforated bricks, insulating bricks and various roofing tiles (plain tiles, over and under tiles as well as interlocking tiles). It also mentions cladding, clay flue blocks and pavements.
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Michel KORNMANN: Ingénieur civil des Mines, Doctor of Engineering - Technical consultant (Lancy Geneva) - Former Technical Director, Centre Technique des Tuiles et Briques (Paris)
The value of terracotta materials in the building industry is obvious. Used in all areas of construction (walls, floors, roofs, etc.), they can be found in a variety of forms: bricks, tiles, cladding, tiles, etc.
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Terracotta materials
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Batimat, Reed Expositions, international construction show held every two years in Paris (odd-numbered years).
Bau, Europe's leading construction trade fair, held annually in Munich
Standards and norms
Calculating structures
- Base de conception des ouvrages - NF EN 1990 (Eurocode 0) -
- Sollicitations des ouvrages - NF EN 1991 (Eurocode 1) -
- Partie 1-1 : règles communes pour ouvrages en maçonnerie armée et non armée - NF EN 1996-1-1 (Eurocode 6) -
- Partie 1-2 : Calcul du comportement au feu - NF EN 1996-1-2 -
- Annexe nationale - NF EN 1996-1-2/NA -
- Partie 2 : conception,...
Arrêté du 22 septembre 1994 relatif aux exploitations de carrière et aux installations de premier traitement des matériaux de carrière.
Arrêté du 2 février 1998 relatif aux prélèvements et à la consommation d'eau ainsi que aux émissions de toutes natures des installations classées pour la protection de l'environnement soumises à autorisation.
Decree of May 3, 2007 on the thermal...
Clay manufacturers (non-exclusive)
European producers
Imerys, international mineral products company
Statistical and economic data
Brick and tile industry
Below is a brief overview of the bricks and tiles market in France, Europe and the rest of the world.
In France
Clay production in France is just over 6 million tonnes (in 2007). Table 1 shows the breakdown of production by product for different...
Some of the definitions used in the main article are given below.
The cation exchange capacity (CEC) of a soil is a measure of the total number of sites available for cation exchange, or the total number of exchangeable cations, or the number of negative sites in the soil matrix. The unit is the milliequivalent per 100 grams (mEq/100 g) of soil, or the centimole of positive charge per kilogram, where...
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