
This article reviews the main principles and latest achievements of hydrogen production in dark fermentation processes. The methods for characterizing and monitoring strict anaerobic fermentation processes are discussed, in particular with mixed cultures. The main achievements in both research and development for technical scale-up are also described. Future perspectives are finally considered, including the possibilities of multi-step systems for optimal conversion of organic materials.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Eric TRABLY: Research engineer - Engineer from the Toulouse National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) - Doctorate in Process Engineering from the University of Montpellier II - Deputy Director, Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory (UR050 – INRA-LBE Narbonne), Narbonne, France
Gwendoline CHRISTOPHE: Senior lecturer at Polytech Clermont-Ferrand – Institut Pascal – GePEB axis - Doctorate in process engineering from Blaise Pascal University - Université Clermont Auvergne, LABEX ImobS3, Clermont-Ferrand, France
Eric LATRILLE: Research engineer - Engineer, École Centrale de Lyon - Doctorate in process engineering from the Institut national agronomique Paris-Grignon (INA P-G, AgroParisTech) - Environmental Biotechnology Laboratory (UR050 – INRA-LBE Narbonne), Narbonne, France
Christian LARROCHE: Professor at Polytech Clermont-Ferrand - Engineer from the Toulouse National Institute of Applied Sciences (INSA) - Doctorate in process engineering from Blaise Pascal University (Clermont-Ferrand) - Institut Pascal – GePEB axis - Université Clermont Auvergne, LABEX ImobS3, Clermont-Ferrand, France
The reactive nature of hydrogen means that, in the industrial world, dihydrogen (H 2 ) is widely used as a reagent in many fine chemicals, petrochemical and food processing processes. In the current context of energy transition, fuel cell applications for transport are developing rapidly, making H 2 an energy carrier of interest. The production of "green", or decarbonized, hydrogen is therefore a highly promising future field.
In the living world, hydrogen is a ubiquitous biochemical reaction intermediate, playing a major role as an electron carrier between microbial species, particularly under fermentative conditions. However, so-called "dark" fermentation, as opposed to light-dependent photo-bioprocesses, is a hydrogen-production-oriented process that has only recently appeared on the biotechnology scene. Long considered an undesirable process for degrading organic matter, generating odor nuisances and by-products of little economic interest, namely acetate and butyrate, it has recently become particularly attractive for its hydrogen production. What's more, the benefits of producing hydrogen by fermentation lie in the use of a wide range of organic substrates, whether pure or non-pure carbohydrates, organic waste or other agricultural residues. The hydrogen thus produced would be "biosourced" hydrogen (otherwise known as biohydrogen).
From an industrial standpoint, the production of "green" hydrogen by fermentation has not yet really taken off, given the still-emerging hydrogen market. The development of this type of biotechnology therefore remains at the pilot-scale stage. These H 2 production processes also still have certain limitations when it comes to their immediate industrialization. Indeed, even if current processes present good productivities (several tens of , average conversion yields often remain below 2 mol H2 .mol hexose_equivalent –1 whereas a total conversion would allow to reach a theoretical yield of 12 mol H2 .mol hexose_equivalent –1 , i.e. 1.6 m ...
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biohydrogen | waste treatment | dark fermentation | bioenergy | anaerobic processes
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Biohydrogen production
Software tools
Aquasim 2.0. Swiss Federal Institute for Environmental Science and Technology (EAWAG). http://www.eawag.ch/organisation/abteilungen/siam/software/aquasim/program_description
SIMBA (ifak system): simulation of wastewater treatment plants including activated sludge digesters....
• In France
Biohydrogen research group
ANR Bioenergies 2008 project INGECOH: Ecological engineering of fermentative biohydrogen-producing microbial ecosystems
World Hydrogen Energy Conference (WHEC). Conference on hydrogen (production, storage, use) held every two years. In 2018, the 22 e conference will be held in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil).
Anaerobic Digestion (AD). Conference on anaerobic digestion (hydrogen and methane) held every four years. In 2017, the 15th conference was held in Harbin (China).
Standards and norms
Directive 2009/28/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of April 23, 2009 on the promotion of the use of energy from renewable sources and amending and subsequently repealing Directives 2001/77/EC and 2003/30/EC (Official Journal of the European Union 5.6.2009)
Statistical and economic data
The hydrogen market
Worldwide hydrogen production amounts to over 550 billion m 3 /year.
Worldwide, 96% of the energy currently used to produce hydrogen comes from fossil fuels using thermochemical processes: 48% from natural gas reforming, 30% from hydrocarbon reforming and 18% from coal gasification.
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