This paper deals with ammonia-water liquid absorption technology. Main applications concern industrial refrigeration driven by superheated steam, hot water or exhaust gases and domestic heat pumps using natural gas (or LPG) as energy source. Existing units developed by the main manufacturers are presented. Their energy and environmental performances are analyzed and compare with those of more conventional technologies. The absorption-diffusion (gas refrigerator) and absorption-compression (high temperature heat pump) systems are also presented. Finally, the regulations and the market related to these systems are discussed.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Francis MEUNIER: Professor Emeritus at the Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers - Honorary Director, IFFI (Institut français du froid industriel), Paris, France
Pierre Neveu: University Professor University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France
The properties of the binary ammonia-water mixture NH
O, presented in the article
For industrial applications where cold is produced at sub-zero temperatures, the single-stage cycle is mainly used, with COP values depending on the temperature of the cold produced, but below 0.5 for sub-zero values. This single-stage cycle is also used for solar-powered chilled water production units for air conditioning. These units have COPs ranging from 0.47 for negative cold to 0.7 for cooling ceilings.
2 or 3-stage cycles are used for lower-temperature industrial refrigeration (down to – 50°C or – 60°C), but require higher hot-source temperatures of up to 175°C.
The GAX cycle (Generator, Absorber, heat eXchanger) is used for liquid coolers for air conditioning and for natural gas heat pumps. A COP of 0.7 is obtained for positive cooling at 7°C, and a COP of hot of 1.5 is obtained for an air/water heat pump (7/35°C).
As ammonia is a toxic and slightly flammable fluid, units containing more than 2.5 kg of ammonia are subject to rules governing their installation in establishments open to the public. Aerothermal heat pumps with a capacity of less than 70 kW (containing less than 11 kg of ammonia) must be located in the open air, while geothermal heat pumps may be located indoors in an area with authorized access only. Higher-powered industrial refrigeration units must comply with the norme NF EN 378 and therefore be located in premises with authorized access only.
NH 3 -H 2 O natural gas (or LPG) heat pump and liquid cooler units are manufactured in medium series for a limited market compared to the H 2 O-LiBr machine market. Industrial refrigeration units, on the other hand, are...
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natural gas | chiller | heat pump | industrial refrigeration
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Liquid absorption machines
- (1) - COLIBRI - Experts in absorption refrigeration. - https://colibris.home.xs4all.nl/pdf_documents/english_docu/absorption_refrigeration_en.pdf (consulté le 5 août 2021) ...
Standards and norms
- Refrigeration systems and heat pumps – Safety and environmental requirements. Parts 1+A1, 2, 3+A1, 4+A1 - NF EN 378 - 2020
- Climatiseurs, groupes refroidisseurs de liquide et pompes à chaleur pour le chauffage et le refroidissement des locaux et refroidisseurs industriels avec compresseur entraîné par moteur électrique. Parties 1 à 4 - NF EN 14511 - 2018
- Appareils à sorption fonctionnant au gaz pour le chauffage...
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 813/2013 of August 2, 2013, Official Journal of the European Union, L 239/136, 6.9.2013.
Cahier des charges relatif à l'implantation d'unités de production thermodynamique reliées aux circuits de chauffage et/ou de production d'eau chaude sanitaire et/ou de climatisation d'immeubles collectifs d'habitation ou de maisons individuelles, ministerial decision, CDC CNPG n°...
H. Geppert, Process Of Producing Cold, US Patent 666.690, Nov. 27, 1900
Von Platen and C.G. Munters, Refrigeration, US Patent 1,669,269, May 8, 1928
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
ago AG Energie + Anlagen, Am Goldenen Feld 23, D-95326 Kulmbach Tel: +49 9221 602-0, Fax: +49 9221 602-149 [email protected] https://www.ago-energie.de/
Bassols & Lebrequer GmbH, Karmeliterstraße 9, 52064 Aachen,...
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