5. Market and regulations
5.1 Market
According to France Air, distributor of Robur heat pumps, the market for compact absorption heat pumps (approx. 40 kW) has reached a plateau, representing around 150 units per year in France. These units are mainly installed in two segments of the new-build market: tertiary buildings in which the owner wishes to minimize operating costs (schools, museums, conservatories, town halls, etc.), and buildings with domestic hot water (DHW) requirements (multi-family housing, EHPAD, etc.).
The market is awaiting the outcome of the RE2020 (Environmental Regulation 2020). If the "carbon emission" thresholds imposed exclude natural gas-fired production units (without taking into account the production of "green" gas), then the market for new gas-fired heat...
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Market and regulations
- (1) - COLIBRI - Experts in absorption refrigeration. - https://colibris.home.xs4all.nl/pdf_documents/english_docu/absorption_refrigeration_en.pdf (consulté le 5 août 2021) ...
Standards and norms
- Refrigeration systems and heat pumps – Safety and environmental requirements. Parts 1+A1, 2, 3+A1, 4+A1 - NF EN 378 - 2020
- Climatiseurs, groupes refroidisseurs de liquide et pompes à chaleur pour le chauffage et le refroidissement des locaux et refroidisseurs industriels avec compresseur entraîné par moteur électrique. Parties 1 à 4 - NF EN 14511 - 2018
- Appareils à sorption fonctionnant au gaz pour le chauffage...
Commission Regulation (EU) No. 813/2013 of August 2, 2013, Official Journal of the European Union, L 239/136, 6.9.2013.
Cahier des charges relatif à l'implantation d'unités de production thermodynamique reliées aux circuits de chauffage et/ou de production d'eau chaude sanitaire et/ou de climatisation d'immeubles collectifs d'habitation ou de maisons individuelles, ministerial decision, CDC CNPG n°...
H. Geppert, Process Of Producing Cold, US Patent 666.690, Nov. 27, 1900
Von Platen and C.G. Munters, Refrigeration, US Patent 1,669,269, May 8, 1928
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
ago AG Energie + Anlagen, Am Goldenen Feld 23, D-95326 Kulmbach Tel: +49 9221 602-0, Fax: +49 9221 602-149 [email protected] https://www.ago-energie.de/
Bassols & Lebrequer GmbH, Karmeliterstraße 9, 52064 Aachen,...
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