4. Heat pumps for heating and domestic hot water in buildings
4.1 Envelope and heating and domestic hot water requirements
The thermal energy supplied by the heat pump must compensate for the building's thermal losses, or losses, in order to maintain a fixed indoor temperature with a lower outdoor temperature and/or satisfy domestic hot water (DHW) requirements if necessary.
Figure 22...
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Heat pumps for heating and domestic hot water in buildings
Standards and norms
- Heating systems in buildings –Design of water heating systems - NF EN 12828+A1 - 05-14
- Building energy performance –Method for calculating nominal thermal load – Part 1: Space heating load, module M3-3 – Water heating and cooling systems for buildings – Basic heat loss calculation method – Part 1: thermal load of the - NF EN 12831-1 - 07-17
- Climatiseurs, groupes refroidisseurs de liquide et pompes à chaleur...
Article R214-32 du code de l'environnement : Water law
Article R571-96 of the Environment Code: Noise constituting neighborhood disturbances
Decree no. 2020-912 on the inspection and maintenance of boilers, heating systems and air-conditioning systems
Décret n° 2000-44 du 13 janvier 2000 portant... (consolidated version as of October 5, 2007) JO n°...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Aeur https://www.auer.fr
Amzair https://www.amzair.eu
Atlantic https://www.atlantic.fr
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