Increasing the production of energy from the combustion of wood appears crucial. However, it is important to limit the emission of atmospheric pollutants by using appropriate wood-fuels and efficient techniques with high environmental performance. Indeed, wood combustion has an impact on air pollution at the national and local level in the case of household heating and in that of boilers used for heat production in the collective, tertiary and industrial sectors. Domestic heating appliances are the most pollutant by unit of wood consumed and the most numerous in operation. reducing their emissions requires the implementation of preventive measures against the formation of pollutants and treatment measures.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Erwan AUTRET: ADEME engineer
Yann ROGAUME: Professor ENSTIB – LERMAB, Nancy university (UHP – Nancy I)
As we discussed in an earlier dossier
Wood combustion has an impact on air pollution at both national and local levels (§ 1 and 2 ), both for domestic heating with independent appliances (open and closed hearths, stoves, stoves) and individual boilers, and for boiler rooms used to produce heat in the collective, tertiary and industrial sectors.
Domestic heating appliances are the most polluting per unit of wood consumed, and the most numerous in operation. Unlike industrial air treatment systems, which are more widespread in other sectors, reducing their emissions requires the development of specific expertise. Primary measures to prevent the formation of pollutants and secondary measures to treat the pollutants formed include :
choice and use of equipment ;
device design and sizing rules ;
new pollution control systems ;
the study of fuel and equipment variability;
the requirements of standards and labels.
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Heat production from wood
Software tools
Improved Gaussian atmospheric dispersion model ADMS4 (Atmospheric Dispersion Modelling System, developed by Cambridge Environmental Research Consultants). http://www.numtech.fr
CFX three-dimensional atmospheric dispersion model. http://www.ansys.com
Standards and norms
- Solid fuel stoves – Requirements and test methods - NF EN 13240 -
- Open fireplaces and solid-fuel inserts – Requirements and test methods - NF EN 13229 -
- Domestic solid-fuel stoves – Requirements and test methods - NF EN 12815 -
- Domestic solid-fuel boilers for installation in living areas – Rated heat output less than 50 kW – Requirements and test methods - NF EN 12809 -
- Appareils de...
Arrêté du 22 octobre 1969 relatif aux conduits fumée desservant les logements (Decree of October 22, 1969 on flues serving dwellings)
Règlement Sanitaire Départemental Type relative aux prescriptions minimales d'hygiène, de salubrité et d'entretien des ouvrages
Decree of October 22, 1993 on consumer safety with regard to closed fireplaces and inserts using solid fuels...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
ADEME French Environment and Energy Management Agency http://www.ademe.fr
CITEPA Centre Interprofessionnel Technique d'Études de la Pollution Atmosphérique (Technical Interprofessional Center for Studies on Atmospheric Pollution)
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