7. Boundary conditions
Once the direction of propagation has been set, the radiative transfer equation is a hyperbolic partial differential equation. It is of degree one with respect to each of the spatial variables (x, y, z in Cartesian coordinates) or, if we reason in curvilinear abscissa, with respect to the s variable.
To integrate the ETR, we therefore need to know the value of the luminance emanating from the boundary from which each optical path originates. Limiting ourselves to the case of opaque and diffuse walls (see note 21), these are conditions of the form :
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Boundary conditions
Reference magazine
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer Elsevier, ISSN : 0022-4073 http://www.journals.elsevier.com/journal-of-quantitative-spectroscopy-and-radiative-transfer
International RAD Radiation Symposiums of the International Centre for Heat and Mass Transfer (ICHMT), held every 3 years http://www.ichmt.org
Computational Radiative Transfer in Participating Media (CTPRM) international seminars, organized every 3 years under the aegis of the EUROTHERM committee.
Learned society
Société Française de Thermique, "radiation" thematic group http://www.sft.asso.fr
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