The conversion process is an essential element of manufacturing chain of the fuel used in nuclear light water reactors for the production of electricity. This stage consists in obtaining the uranium purity and chemical form required for enrichment and preparing the fuel pellets to be introduced into the nuclear reactor. The end-product of this preparation is the uranium hexaflouride UF6 with well defined purity specifications. This operation which includes the conversion and purification of uranium in UF6 can be carried out via two processes: either pre-refining by liquid/liquid extraction followed by the conversion in UF6 (wet method) or direct conversion in UF6 followed by distillation (dry method).
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Jean BERTIN: Director of Research and Development for AREVA's Chemicals business unit
Georges capus: AREVA upstream nuclear fuel cycle marketing director
Bertrand MOREL: Head of Research and Development, COMURHEX
The conversion and purification of uranium into UF 6 is carried out industrially along two possible routes: either preliminary refining by liquid/liquid extraction followed by conversion into UF 6 (wet route), or direct conversion into UF 6 followed by distillation (dry route).
In the wet process, uranium oxide is dissolved by nitric acid, then uranyl nitrate is selectively extracted by solvent in an acid medium. After aqueous phase re-extraction and denitration, the oxide is then reduced to UO 2 , then hydrofluorinated to UF 4 and, finally fluorinated to UF 6 . Various fluorination or hydrofluorination reactor techniques are possible: flame reactors, fluidized beds, rotary furnaces, flow bed furnaces.
In the case of dry conversion, U 3 O 8 is reduced to UO 2 , then further converted to UF 4 and then UF 6 in a succession of fluid beds. Finally, the liquid UF 6 is distilled under pressure in two columns in series.
Obtaining UF 6 is made possible by preparing molecular fluorine from HF electrolysis.
There are currently six UF 6 converters in the world, and installed industrial capacity is of the order of 73 kt U, with production of 61 kt U in 2009. The cost of conversion is low (2% of the fuel cycle), but it is an essential step between two important operations: uranium extraction and enrichment.
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Refining and conversion of uranium concentrates
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- Standard Specification for Uranium Hexafluoride for Enrichment, American standard for testing materials - ASTM C787 -
- Standard Specification for Uranium Hexafluoride Enriched to less than 5%235U. American standard for testing materials - ASTM C996 -
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