Article | REF: BN3663 V1

Radioactive waste - Management through separation - transmutation

Author: Robert GUILLAUMONT

Publication date: December 10, 2010

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4. Preparatory studies for separation and transmutation

Studies and research to implement ST have already produced significant results, but they will need to be pursued scientifically and technically over many years in a number of areas. They already include feedback from RNRs and the current reprocessing of spent fuel, but more needs to be done to ensure the competitiveness of 4th generation reactors, whether or not they are designed for transmutation. They fall into three closely related areas.

4.1 Transmutation

The possibility of transmutation will be truly proven when at least one suitable assembly has been tested in a fast neutron flux. Before taking this step, tests will be carried out, as they have been up to now, on samples of materials that are candidates for fuel or transmutation targets. There have been...

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Preparatory studies for separation and transmutation