The studies conducted by reactor physicist require the access to measurands such as the power of the reactor, particle flux and nuclide concentration. They must solve equations that govern neutron propagation in time and space and the ones that govern the temporal evolution of the concentration of nuclides formed in the different components of the fuel and the structures of the reactor. In addition, the evolution of the fuel and kinetics are dealt with as well as multi-physical aspects. Certain examples of calculation software are described.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Christine POINOT-SALANON: Scientific Assistant, CEA/Sac/DEN/DANS/DM2S/SERMA
Anne NICOLAS: Project Manager, CEA/Sac/DEN/DANS/DM2S/SERMA
Michel SOLDEVILA: Project Manager, CEA/Sac/DEN/DANS/DM2S/SERMA
Studies carried out by reactor physicists require access to physical quantities of interest, such as reactor power, particle fluxes and nuclide concentrations. To do this, we need to solve the equations that govern neutron propagation in space and time (Boltzmann and kinetic equations), and those that govern the temporal evolution of nuclide concentrations present and formed in the various materials making up the fuel and all reactor structures (Bateman equations).
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