Article | REF: BM5627 V1

Parallel gear control

Author: Michel PASQUIER

Publication date: December 10, 2002

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  • Michel PASQUIER: Engineer from École Supérieure de l'Énergie et des Matériaux - CMD Gears and Reducers


The tolerance system we will develop in this article complies with NF ISO 1328 standards and FD ISO/TR10064 technical reports from ISO technical committee 60 "Gears".

It applies only to cylindrical gears with involute profile teeth, and is limited to wheels with a diameter of 10,000 mm and a module of 70 mm.

Permissible deviations will be indicated by formulas (used for computer programs).

The system's reference rack is that of standard NF ISO 54.

This system specifies all the deviations that can be checked on an individual wheel or a complete gear, with the corresponding tolerances.

Notations and symbols




tooth width


reference diameter

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Parallel gear control