A certain number of industrial processes or experiments require "vacuum", i.e. a pressure much lower than atmospheric pressure. This requires two types of components : vacuum pumps, and piping to evacuate the pumped gas. This article explains how to determine the operating points of an installation. This knowledge is necessary to design a vacuum installation, to select the pumps and to determine the dimensions of the piping components.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Yvan ABBÉ: Applications engineer - Pfeiffer Vacuum SAS Annecy France
The correct design of a Vacuum installation requires a good understanding of the need to be met, as well as the constraints to be taken into account. The requirement may be a low pressure to be reached in a volume in a given maximum time. This type of requirement is referred to as "low pressure". volume pumping". We may also wish to maintain a low pressure in an enclosure despite the presence of a given gas flow. This is known as flow pumping". The values of these pressure, volume and flow parameters are generally known, since they are the technical specifications for a plant. On the other hand, the constraints to be taken into account are often not well known, and this is one of the difficulties in designing a plant. In such cases, assumptions have to be made, the relevance of which is a prerequisite for the accuracy of the design. These may include the desorption rate of materials, the internal conductance of components whose value is unknown, or the need to use existing components that turn out to be undersized. In the case of poorly known or prohibitive constraints, knowledge of plant sizing methods enables us to formulate recommendations, limit uncertainties, recommend measures or conclude that it is technically impossible. This article presents and implements all the parameters and constraints that need to be taken into account when calculating a real installation. However, some installations are complex in structure and operation, or present unusual features. It is not always possible to break down these systems into simpler sub-systems. A traditional computational approach, as described in this article, is hardly possible in these extreme cases, and the solution must call on advanced numerical modeling resources that are beyond the scope of this study.
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The Ultimate Scientific and Technical Reference
vacuum | pumps | piping
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Very low-pressure gas
Software tools
Vactran (Windows version), [Software] PEC Corp. Livermore, California, USA
Standards and norms
- Symboles graphiques. - DIN 28401 - 2008
- Vocabulaire et termes généraux. - ISO 3529-1 - 2019
- Pompes à vide et termes associés. - ISO 3529-2 - 2019
- Mesure des performances des pompes à vide. - ISO 21360-1 et 2 - 2020
- Dimensions et raccords rapides à colliers. - ISO 2861 - 2020
- Dimensions des brides. - ISO 1609 - 2020
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
Société Française du Vide
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