1. Socio-economic and environmental contexts
In terms of research and development, relatively little information and results, apart from those available in the public domain, are known about Pinctada pearl oysters, in a highly competitive sector shared mainly between Japan, Australia, Burma and the Philippines.
Today, only a few major pearl farming companies have their own research teams, where results remain confidential. This is the case, for example, of the Japanese companies Amami south sea & mabe pearl, Mikimoto, Tasaki, Australian companies such as Paspaley, and the Franco-Philippine Jewelmer. Research efforts focus mainly on the Pinctada maxima species, with market demand oriented towards large pearls. Genetic selection to determine pearl color (gold and silver) and improved cultivation practices, including control of rearing cycles, are the main areas of research.
In the...
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Socio-economic and environmental contexts
- (1) - HART (A.), TRAVAILLE (K.L.), JONES (R.), BRAND-GARDNER(S.), WEBSTER(F.), IRVING (A.), HARRY(A.V.) - Western Australian Marine Stewardship Council Report Series No. 5: Western Australian Silver-lipped Pearl Oyster (Pinctada maxima) Industry. - Department of Fisheries, Western Australia. 316 p. (2016).
- ...
Ifremer, http://wwz.ifremer.fr/
POLYPERL program, funded by the Agence nationale de la recherche-agrobiosphère, http://www.polyperl.org/
Directorate of Marine and Mining Resources in French Polynesia,
Texts regulating pearl farming (updated June 2013) http://www.peche.pf/
Deliberation no. 2005-42 APF of February 4, 2005 defining the products derived from pearl farming in French Polynesia and laying down the rules governing the classification, transport, marketing and export formalities for Tahitian...
Guezennec, J.; Simon-Colin, C.; Kouzayha, A.; Gueguen, Y.; Bachere, E. Nucleus Coated with a Film-forming Coating Having Antibacterial and Cicatrizing Properties and the Method for Obtaining Same. U.S. Patent 20130152865, 20 June 2013.
Guezennec, J.; Simon-Colin, C.; Kouzayha, A.; Bachere, E. Nucleus Covered with PHA. U.S. Patent 20130263793, October 10, 2013.
Joubert, C.; Tayalé,...
Producer organizations
GIE and professional associations :
List of pearl farming EIGs and unions 03.11.2015, http://www.peche.pf/IMG/pdf/liste_des_gie_syndicats_perliculture_nov2015
Training organizations
Center des métiers de la mer de Polynésie...
Statistical and economic data
Worldwide production of marine cultured pearls
It is not easy to obtain recent data on the production of marine cultured pearls worldwide; the data collected from the main productions are summarized in table 1 . Readers should be aware that the pearl market and pearl...
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