3. Isothermal amplification processes
Due to the need to heat samples during PCR cycles, conventional PCR-based methods are not suitable for the development of portable point-of-care diagnostic kits. This problem is solved by isothermal amplification strategies, which are performed at a constant temperature. These methods share with PCR the specific amplification of one or more molecular markers (DNA) by a DNA polymerase. Isothermal amplification covers a wide range of methods . The most widely used for pathogen detection are LAMP (Loop-Mediated Amplification) and RPA...
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Isothermal amplification processes
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- Méthodes horizontales dans le domaine de l'analyse microbiologique de la chaîne alimentaire, du stade de production primaire aux produits pour l'alimentation humaine et animale, y compris l'environnement de la production et de la manutention des produits alimentaires - ISO/TC 34/SC 9 - 2016
- Food microbiology...
AFNOR French follow-up: Commission V08B "Microbiologie des aliments" (Food microbiology)
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