2. Resources and substrates
Organic substrates for anaerobic digestion can come from a variety of sources. They fall into two main categories. The first is waste from human activity in the broadest sense, which can be defined as "loose material that its producer intends to dispose of". The second family is made up of production dedicated to energy recovery, such as vegetable or microalgal production.
On a given territory, waste production can come from different sectors:
waste from domestic activities such as residual household waste;
biowaste from selective collection from private households or from large-scale producers involved in food distribution (fairs, wholesale markets, retailers, etc.) and catering (commercial and institutional catering);
green waste collected mainly...
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Resources and substrates
Expo Biogaz, the national exhibition for the biogas industry: http://www.expo-biogaz.com/
Biogaz Europe, the European exhibition : http://www.biogaz-europe.com/
Loi n° 2010-788 du 12 juillet 2010 portant engagement national pour l'environnement (version consolidée au 06 février 2017) JO du 13/07/2010 : JORFTEXT000022470434.
- Soil improvers and growing media – Determination of organic matter and ash - AFNOR. NF EN 13039 - Décembre 2011
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Ametyst methanization unit http://www.montpellier3m.fr/equipement/unit%C3%A9-de-m%C3%A9thanisation-am%C3%A9tyst
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