The training of Fire Brigade officers must take place in conditions that are as close to real situations as can be achieved. Be it for relief operations (such as forest fires) or accidental technological crises (transportation accident) or criminal (such as bombings), it is difficult to provide a framework that is sufficiently realistic and updated in real time. The main issue lies in the interplay of the various hierarchical levels (tactical and strategic) and their interactions in real conditions. For this reason virtual reality tools are increasingly used in the training of Fire Brigade officers. This article explains the educational objectives of these tools as well as the environments in which they operate. Finally, several platforms are presented along with their capability to replicate real-life situations.
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The training of fire department officers in the management of major emergency operations (forest fires, technological hazards, urban fires, terrorist attacks, etc.) is increasingly based on the simulation of all or part of the chain of command, through executive exercises using virtual reality tools. To ensure the quality, realism and effectiveness of such training initiatives, it is vital to offer a "realistic and interactive" operational framework, the concept of the virtual operational environment.
The implementation of these training programs requires the mastery of advanced teaching techniques, the use of specific IT tools, the mobilization of multicultural training teams and the reproduction of the decision-making environment of the trainees concerned.
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Use of virtual reality tools in civil protection training courses
- (1) - LUMBROSO (H.) - Mécanique du point : 114 problèmes résolus : 1 re année MPSI.PCSI.PTSI. - Dunod (1998).
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