3. MADS-MOSAR implementation
When applying MADS-MOSAR, to carry out a risk analysis with this reference engine, it is necessary to proceed step by step:
1. model the system under study by dividing it into sub-systems ;
2. source identification ;
3. event association ;
4. process construction ;
5. building scenarios ;
6. building logic trees ;
7. identification of risk control measures ;
8. identification of sustainability measures.
3.1 Modeling
The modelling of the system to be studied consists of a decomposition into sub-systems based on :
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MADS-MOSAR implementation
Digital media
Logiciel MADS-MOSAR, CD-Rom version 2.09, Éditions Fox Média, 38 MEYLAN, {Logiciel d'apprentissage} (1999).
Software tools
ASPHALES – ASPHALEIA Company http://www.asphaleia.fr
Envision Risks – Société Case France – MOSAR http://www.case-france.com
IUT HSE – University of Bordeaux 1 – Michel LESBATS http://portaildurisque.iut.u-bordeaux1.fr/promethScienceDanger.htm
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