The order of August 7th 2019 modifying the decree of January 31th 1986 aims to update 1/ the fire performance requirements of the façade cladding of residential buildings; 2/ the internal insulation best practices guide and 3/ to ban the construction of duplexes when the lowest floor is higher than 50 meters.
On the other hand, the other decree of August 7th 2019 relating to renovation works on mid-rise buildings only specifies the acceptable construction solutions for façade renovations of medium-rise residential buildings. It definitely prohibits all façade materials that are not non-combustible, that is to say in European language, A2-s3, d0.
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Jean-Charles DU BELLAY: Head of the Fire Safety Department, Fédération française du bâtiment - Full member of the Commission des agréments des contrôleurs techniques - Former member of the Central Fire Safety Commission of the French Ministry of the Interior - This article is the updated version of article C3283v4 entitled "Fire safety in dwellings – Regulations and case law" written by Jean-Charles DU BELLAY and published in 2015.
In residential buildings, the fundamental principle is that "in the event of fire, the construction must enable the occupants either to leave the building without outside assistance, or to receive such assistance.
What is a home?
Article R. 111-1 of the French Construction and Housing Code gives the following definition:
"Residential buildings are buildings or parts of buildings housing one or more dwellings, including hostels such as young workers' hostels and homes for the elderly, excluding premises intended for professional use, where this is not carried out, at least in part, in the same set of rooms as family life, and premises to which articles R. 123.1 to R. 123.55, R. 152.4 and R. 152.5, relating to protection against fire and panic risks in establishments open to the public, apply."
Four main principles must be respected:
the layout, structures, materials and equipment of residential buildings must be such as to protect their occupants from fire;
dwellings must be insulated from premises that may constitute a fire or asphyxiation hazard;
the construction must enable occupants to leave the building in the event of fire without outside assistance, or to receive such assistance;
preventive maintenance of safety equipment and record-keeping are mandatory.
These principles are governed by the French Urban Planning Code and the Construction and Housing Code, as well as by the circular dated December 13, 1982, relating to personal safety in the case of renovation or improvement work on existing residential buildings. As well as the Inter-ministerial Order of January 31, 1986 on fire protection in residential buildings, modified by the Order of August 18, 1986. This decree applies to new residential buildings, as well as to extensions to existing residential buildings and additions to such buildings.
This article reviews the provisions of this decree, while the main regulations in force can be consulted in the "For further information" section. Finally, readers will find a glossary of key technical terms at the end of the article.
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Home fire safety
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Cerib laboratory – Concrete research
CSTB – Centre Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment
CTICM – Centre technique industriel de la construction métallique
Batimat Reed Expositions – International construction show, held every two years in Paris (odd-numbered years).
Standards and norms
- Installations de branchement à basse tension. - NF C 14-100 - 09-1998
- Installations électriques à basse tension. - NF C 15-100 - 12-2002
- Degrés de protection procurés par les enveloppes (code IP) (équivalente à NF EN 60529 de juin 2000). - NF C 20-010 - 10-1992
- Fabrication de portes en bois. - NF P 23-501 et 502 -
- Colonnes sèches. - NF S 61-750 - 07-1973
- Fire safety systems (SSI)...
The main general texts in force governing safety in residential buildings are as follows.
Town Planning Code
Art. L. 421-3: "Building permits may only be granted... if the applicant undertakes to comply with the general building regulations defined in article L. 111-3."
Art. L. 111-3: sets out "the general construction rules and maintenance measures...
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Horizontal electric injection molding machines
Arburg SAS Hawaii distributed by Arburg France
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OPPBT Organisme professionnel de prévention...
Statistical and economic data
Organisme professionnel de prévention du bâtiment
New dimensions for stretcher passage on stairs
The minimum dimensions of staircases in residential buildings must comply with the requirements set out in article R. 111.5 of the French Construction and Housing Code, bearing in mind that the dimensions of a stretcher are standardized (NF EN 1865),...
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