1. Current conditions of application in the French building industry
Three texts were the precursors of the opening up of fire safety engineering in France.
First of all, the decree of August 3, 1999, on the fire resistance of products, construction elements and structures, has made it possible to justify the fire resistance of these elements by referring to thermal actions established in relation to the specific situations encountered, and no longer solely in relation to conventional fire. It should be noted that this decree follows on from the decree of July 22, 1997, an order amending the decree of April 21, 1983 on fire resistance, authorizing the use of the "fire" parts of the structural Eurocodes associated with their French national application document for verifying the fire resistance of load-bearing structures; these fire parts of the structural Eurocodes have taken into account the "natural fire" aspect in addition to...
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Current conditions of application in the French building industry
France http://www.pnisi.fr (unofficial)
Denmark http://www.ebst.dk/file/202479/brandteknisk_dimensionering.pdf
Germany http://www.vfdb.de
International Symposium of Fire Safety Science of the International Association of Fire Safety Science, a conference held every four years http://www.iafss.org
Human Behaviour in Fires, conference organized by Interscience Communications http://www.intersciencecomms.co.uk/html/newconference.htm
...Standards and norms
- Fire safety. Vocabulary http://www.afnor.org - NF ISO 13943 - 2008
- Fire safety engineering – General principles http://www.afnor.org - NF ISO 23932 - 2009
- Hazardous fire components. Guidelines for estimating the time available before conditions of tenability are compromised http://www.afnor.org - NF ISO 13571 - 2012
- Fire safety engineering – Fire risk assessment – Part 1: General information http://www.afnor.org...
Arrêté du 25 juin 1980 modifié portant approbation des dispositions générales du règlement de sécurité contre les risques d'incendie et de panique dans les établissements recevant du public.
Decree of December 19, 1975: methods for determining the degree of fire resistance of construction elements (JORF of February 26, 1976).
Arrêté du 22 juillet 1997 modifiant l'arrêté du...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
The International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS) http://www.iafss.org
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) http://sfpe.org
GDR CNRS research group n° 2864 "Forest...
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