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Gilles ZWINGELSTEIN: Engineer from the École nationale supérieure d'électrotechnique, d'électronique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et des télécommunications de Toulouse (ENSEEIHT) - Doctor-Engineer - Doctor of Science - Retired Associate Professor - Université Paris-Est-Créteil, France
This article presents the main methods used to assess the criticality of industrial equipment failures, and the tools available to help reduce the consequences of critical equipment failures. In many industrial sectors, the assessment of the criticality of equipment failures is a strategic issue. As the term "criticality" is subject to different definitions and interpretations, it will be considered in this article as a combined measure of the consequences and frequency of occurrence of equipment failures. In particular, its evaluation can be used to determine the impact of malfunctions on the safety of personnel, production stoppages, quality of service, regulatory constraints for classified installations and respect for the environment. Depending on the results obtained, it may be necessary or compulsory to use material or immaterial devices to reduce the criticality of the consequences of malfunctions. Tools have been developed to meet these needs and requirements.
This article presents the main analytical methods for exploiting reliability data extracted from experience feedback on equipment behavior. Otherwise, in the absence of experience feedback, the article
The first part of the article will be devoted to a typology of methods for assessing and reducing criticality. The second part will be dedicated to brief descriptions of the main analytical tools that can be used to quantify the criticality of equipment failures. For each method, the analysis framework will be: origin, principle, steps. The following will be reviewed: PRA (preliminary risk analysis), FMECA (failure modes, effects and criticality analysis), HAZOP (HAZard and OPerability study) used for industrial risk analysis, What-If (what happens if?), fault trees, reliability diagrams-success trees blocks.
To guide the reader in making the most appropriate choice, a comparative grid of the methods' main attributes is then proposed.
In the event that the criticality of failures proves unacceptable, the third part will summarize the principles of the most commonly used methods for reducing the consequences of critical failures (safety barriers, event trees, bow-tie, MOSAR method, LOPA (Layer Of Protection Analysis) method), along with a comparison of the advantages and disadvantages of these criticality reduction methods.
The conclusion...
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Equipment criticality assessment. Analytical methods
Software tools
RELIASOFT, Synthesis S. Eastside Loop, Tucson 2013 http://www.reliasoft.com
ITEM, Tool Kit Suite – Reliability Analysis Software 2013 http://www.itemsoft.com/item_toolkit.html
ALD, RAM Commander, Reliability and Safety...
INERIS website on risk regulations http://www.ineris.fr/aida
INERIS website on technical safety barriers used in classified facilities http://www.ineris.fr/badoris
Institut pour la maîtrise des risques-sûreté de fonctionnement-management-cindyniques...
Standards and norms
- Risk management – Vocabulary - ISO/GUIDE 73 - 2009
- Risk management – Vocabulary – guidelines for use in standards - ISO IEC Guide 73 - 2002
- Safety aspects – Guidelines for including them in standards - ISO/CEI GUIDE 51 - 1999
- Risk management aspects – Vocabulary – Guidelines for use in standards - ISO/IEC Guide 73 - 2009
- Procedures for performing a failure mode, effects, and criticality...
Law no. 83-634 of July 13, 1983, consolidated version of March 3, 2002)
Decree no. 2000-44 of January 13, 2000, consolidated version as of October 5, 2007) JO no. 11 of January 14, 2000 p. 369 NOR: FPPA9910013D
Directive 2012/18/EU of July 4, 2012, on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, known as "Seveso III", was published, in the OJEU of July...
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