2. Analytical methods for assessing criticality
For industrial systems under design or in operation, it is essential to determine the severity of the consequences of equipment failures and their frequency of occurrence. Based on feedback from similar equipment during the design phase, or on actual data collected on equipment in operation, it becomes possible to assess the criticality of potential or actual equipment failures. The methods described in the following paragraphs are essentially dedicated to these two scenarios.
2.1 Preliminary Risk Analysis (PRA)
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Analytical methods for assessing criticality
Software tools
RELIASOFT, Synthesis S. Eastside Loop, Tucson 2013 http://www.reliasoft.com
ITEM, Tool Kit Suite – Reliability Analysis Software 2013 http://www.itemsoft.com/item_toolkit.html
ALD, RAM Commander, Reliability and Safety...
INERIS website on risk regulations http://www.ineris.fr/aida
INERIS website on technical safety barriers used in classified facilities http://www.ineris.fr/badoris
Institut pour la maîtrise des risques-sûreté de fonctionnement-management-cindyniques...
Standards and norms
- Risk management – Vocabulary - ISO/GUIDE 73 - 2009
- Risk management – Vocabulary – guidelines for use in standards - ISO IEC Guide 73 - 2002
- Safety aspects – Guidelines for including them in standards - ISO/CEI GUIDE 51 - 1999
- Risk management aspects – Vocabulary – Guidelines for use in standards - ISO/IEC Guide 73 - 2009
- Procedures for performing a failure mode, effects, and criticality...
Law no. 83-634 of July 13, 1983, consolidated version of March 3, 2002)
Decree no. 2000-44 of January 13, 2000, consolidated version as of October 5, 2007) JO no. 11 of January 14, 2000 p. 369 NOR: FPPA9910013D
Directive 2012/18/EU of July 4, 2012, on the control of major-accident hazards involving dangerous substances, known as "Seveso III", was published, in the OJEU of July...
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