There are many methods to determine the different fire behavior characteristics of materials and products. These methods focus on the evaluation of several reaction-to-fire and fire resistance characteristics. According to the criteria and levels of requirements, they provide a coherent basis for drawing up various regulations, for example in the fields of building or transportation.
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Eric GUILLAUME: General Manager Efectis, Saint-Aubin, France
Although fire no longer causes the major disasters of the Middle Ages, such as the Great Fire of London in 1666, it is still responsible for the deaths of many people every year, as well as for considerable damage and sometimes environmental damage. The problem of fire is not yet under control, and will doubtless always be difficult to control.
Until such time as sufficient technical knowledge was available, many empirical means were used to compensate for the lack of scientific, technical and even practical knowledge. Fire was dealt with using more or less random solutions, in reaction to major disasters, sometimes forgetting the fundamental principles applicable to any system, such as that of the "weakest link".
Since the 1960s, studies and research have been rationalized, and the work of scientists has laid the foundations of fire science. While the phenomena of combustion of very simple elements, such as gases, have been known for a very long time, the principles of thermal decomposition and combustion of materials, although having made great progress in recent years, are still the subject of much research
Knowledge of combustion mechanisms (including the thermal decomposition of plastics
The solution of carrying out full-scale tests then comes to mind, but their limitations are also related to the above considerations, and such tests will only represent a tiny fraction of the configurations that...
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fire safety | reaction to fire | fire resistance
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Plastics and composites
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Standardized fire behavior tests
- Standard Test Method for Determining Ignition Temperature of Plastics - ASTM D1929-16 -
- Standard Test Method for Specific Optical Density of Smoke Generated by Solid Materials - ASTM E 662-17a -
- Fire resistance test – Construction elements – Part 1: General requirements - ISO 834-1 - 1999
- Plastics – Determining ignition temperature using a hot-air oven - ISO 871 - 2006
- Reaction to fire tests...
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
The International Association for Fire Safety Science (IAFSS)
Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE)
Groupe de Recherche...
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