2. Collective management of employment relationships
The aim of collective management of employment relationships is to adapt human resources to the necessary changes in the company.
Human Resources Management (HRM) is closely linked to corporate strategies. It is based on knowledge of internal resources and on a set of decisions to adapt the human organization to changes in the business model decided by the employer, or resulting from its economic environment.
2.1 Main ways of finding out about internal resources
Personnel administration resources, linked to a large number of mandatory documents and registers, make up the first level of human resources knowledge.
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Collective management of employment relationships
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AGIRC – Supplementary pension
ANACT – National Agency for the Improvement of Working Conditions
Article D 4154-1 of the Labor Code governing work involving exposure to hazardous chemical agents or ionizing radiation. Modified by Decree no. 2018-438 of June 4, 2018
Article L 1254-1 of the French Labor Code concerning "portage salarial" modified by law no. 2016-1088 of August 8, 2016 – art. 85
Article L 1221-6 of the French Labour Code governs the information required from...
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