Most of the time, the study of reactions is exclusively limited to " homogeneous phase" reactions, i.e. those that occur between gases or inside liquids (acid-base reactions, oxydoreduction, etc.). However, in numerous cases, the reactions involve a solid and a fluid (gas or liquid), thus constituting "heterogeneous" systems. The aim of this article is to present the main notions in order to explain the physico-chemical reactions involving a heated solid in an easily accessible way for the non-specialist. It thus introduces the theory of solid reactivity and the related thermodynamic aspects. This approach allows for studying the formation of thin layers and the notion of speed of reactions in solids.
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Read the articleAUTHORS
Pierre LEFORT: Professor at the University of Limoges
Stéphane VALETTE: Senior Lecturer at the University of Limoges
School and university curricula devote a considerable amount of time to the study of reactions. But these are almost exclusively limited to reactions occurring between gases or in liquids (acid/base reactions, oxidation-reduction, etc.). In each of these cases, everything takes place within the same phase: these are so-called "homogeneous phase" reactions. However, in a great many cases, some of which are mentioned in the course of this dossier, the engineer is confronted with reactions involving a solid and a fluid (gas or liquid), which constitute "heterogeneous" systems. In such cases, the engineer finds himself at a particular disadvantage, since, in addition to the fact that he has often not studied this type of system during his training, the reactions involved are generally highly complex. To describe the reactions affecting solids heated to high temperatures, several high-quality works
The kinetics of solid state reactions at elevated temperatures is the subject of two dossiers: [AF 3 688] Part 1 and
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Solid state reaction kinetics at elevated temperatures
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TRS (Thermal Reactivity of Solids) http://www.emse.fr/trs/
Study Days on Heterogeneous Kinetics, the only French-language event, held annually in various French cities (Grenoble, Dijon, Toulouse, Paris, Saint-Étienne, Limoges, etc.). http://www.emse.fr/jech40/
International Symposium on High Temperature Corrosion and Protection of Materials HTCPM, held every 4 years on the Ile des Embiez (Marseille)....
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