Article | REF: AF501 V1

Finite-difference method for evolution PDEs

Author: Pierre SPITERI

Publication date: October 10, 2002

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  • Pierre SPITERI: Doctor of Mathematical Sciences - Professor at the École nationale supérieure d'électronique, d'électrotechnique, d'informatique, d'hydraulique et de télécommunication in Toulouse, France


Read the article , we discussed the numerical solution of stationary partial differential equation problems using the finite difference method. This method can be extended to the solution of evolution problems. We will study two types of problem: firstly, first-order evolution problems in time, also known as parabolic problems and, secondly, second-order evolution problems in time, also known as hyperbolic problems . The equations involved in these problems consist partly of a combination of partial derivatives with respect to the temporal variable, the numerical treatment of which we shall describe in detail, and partly of a combination of partial derivatives with respect to the spatial variable; the latter part was dealt with in detail in the article , the problem can be posed in a domain Ω, one-dimensional, two-dimensional or three-dimensional; to simplify the presentation we'll consider the domain to be the segment [0, 1], the two- and three-dimensional case presenting no major difficulties.

Note :

The study of the finite-difference method for solving partial differential equations is divided into three sections:

  • Finite difference method for stationary PDEs ;

  • — [AF 501] Finite difference method for evolution PDEs ;

  • Numerical algorithms for solving large systems.

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Finite-difference method for evolution PDEs