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(1) - ORTEGA (J.M.), RHEINBOLDT (W.C.) - Iterative Solution of Nonlinear Equations in Several Variables. - Computer Science and Applied Mathematics. New-York: Academic Press (1970).
(2) - BERTSEKAS (D.) - Distributed asynchronous computation of fixed points. - In: Math. Programming 27, p. 107-120 (1983).
(3) - SPITERI (P.), MIELLOU (J.-C.), EL BAZ (D.) - Perturbation of parallel asynchronous linear iterations by floating point errors. - In: ETNA Electronic Transaction on Numerical Analysis 13, p. 38-55 (2002).
(4) - EL TARAZI (M.N.) - Some Convergence Results for Asynchronous Algorithms. - In: Numerische Mathematik 39, p. 325-340 (1982).
(5) - MIELLOU (J.-C.), EL BAZ (D.), SPITERI (P.) - A New Class of Asynchronous Iterative Algorithms with Order Intervals. - In: Mathematics of Computation 67, p. 237-255 (1998).
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