Converting solar energy into electricity using low-cost materials and processes remains challenging. The very recently emerging hybrid perovskite solar cells are based on materials with remarkable opto-electronic and structural properties. This article shows how these compounds are integrated in photovoltaic cells, and the various techniques used for their preparation are described. The various cell architectures reported in the literature are described. The other materials used in the devices are presented, and the importance of their optical and electronic properties for the efficient functioning of the devices is explained.
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Read the articleAUTHOR
Thierry PAUPORTÉ: CNRS Research Director - Institut de recherche de Chimie-Paris, Chimie-Paristech, Paris, France
Field: Photovoltaic solar cells
Degree of technology diffusion: Emergence | Growth | Maturity
Technologies involved : Photovoltaics, thin films
Applications: Energy, electricity
Main French players :
École nationale supérieure de chimie de Paris (Chimie-Paristech), Institut de recherche de Chimie-Paris (UMR 8247) https://www.chimie-paristech.fr/fr/la_ recherche/ircp/
Institut national des sciences appliquées de Rennes, FOTON laboratory http://www.insa-rennes.fr/foton.html
University of Angers, MOLTECH-Anjou laboratory (UMR 6200) http://moltech-anjou.univ-angers.fr/
XLIM Research Institute, Limoges http://www.xlim.fr/
Nanoscience and Cryogenics Institute, CEA, structure and properties of molecular architectures http://inac.cea.fr/spram/Phocea/Vie_des_labos/Ast/ast_service. php?id_unit=10
Other players worldwide :
École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (Switzerland), Laboratory of Photonics and Interfaces (LPI) http://lpi.epfl.ch/
Oxford University (UK), Department of Physics https://www2.physics.ox.ac.uk/research/photovoltaic-and-optoelectronic-device-group
Korea Research Institute of Chemical Technology (KRICT), Division of Advanced Materials http://english.krict.re.kr/eng/
Oxford PV https://www.oxfordpv.com/
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Hybrid perovskite solar cells
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