11. Glossary
Véhicule EGO; EGO vehicle
In the analysis of a multi-vehicle driving situation, the EGO vehicle is the object of the study, the one whose behavior we seek to understand or control in interaction with the other vehicles involved in the situation.
Empan temporel; time span
Time interval delimited by boundaries. For example, the introduction of vehicle-to-vehicle communications makes it possible to anticipate difficulties within a time span of tens to hundreds of seconds.
Capteurs proprioceptifs; proprioceptive sensors
Sensors for measuring vehicle condition. Example: odometers, gyrometers, three-axis accelerometers.
Capteurs extéroceptifs; exteroceptive sensors
Sensors for measuring the state of the environment outside...
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- (1) - (*) - Review of the history of interest in fully automated vehicles and highways. - http://onlinepubs.trb.org/onlinepubs/sr/sr253/sr25302.pdf
- (2)...
RDS-TMC: Traffic Message Channel : https://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traffic_Message_Channel#Historique
ALV vehicle : http://www.cs.cmu.edu/afs/cs/project/alv/www/index.html
Standards and norms
- Road vehicles – Functional safety - ISO 26262 - 2011
Convention on Road Traffic. Concluded in Vienna on 8/11/1968. 0/741.10 available on https://www.admin.ch/opc/fr/classified-compilation/19680244/
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