This article focuses on rainwater harvesting and use in urban buildings, which has been of renewed interest at international level and since the early 2000s in France. An overview of the development of this practice in the world and in France is presented. Regulatory and normative aspects are then discussed. The principles and the different technical functions used to build the installations are described, as well as their dimensioning methods. A final focus deals with the integration of rainwater use into urban storm water management approaches.
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Bernard de GOUVELLO: Engineer and researcher - Center Scientifique et Technique du Bâtiment (CSTB) / Laboratoire Eau Environnement et Systèmes Urbains (LEESU-ENPC), Champs-sur-Marne, France
The use of rainwater in buildings generally consists of collecting rainwater intercepted by all or part of the roof, storing it in a tank located in or near the building, from which it is redistributed to uses that do not require drinking water quality. This ancestral technique, which had disappeared from cities with the advent of centralized drinking water supply networks, has reappeared over the last 20 years – with a few adaptations – as an architectural practice for sustainable development. This return to the use of rainwater is a major trend that can be observed on every continent. In France, the trend began with the construction of experimental buildings, before specific technical regulations were introduced in 2008. It is now possible to use rainwater from inaccessible roofs for certain purposes that do not require drinking water quality. However, the correct installation of any rainwater utilization system –, whether simple (for seasonal watering) or complex (with water collected inside the building) – requires compliance with specific technical provisions set out in the decree and in various documents designed to support the players involved. Its design can also be considered as part of a broader approach to rainwater management on the scale of the plot associated with the building.
Based on the current state of the art, this article describes in detail these different aspects in a practical approach designed to meet the expectations of a wide audience, both professional (engineers, architects, planners, local authorities, etc.) and academic (teachers and students). It is divided into five parts. The first provides a general overview of the current development of this practice at international level and, more specifically, in France. The second part provides an analytical description of French regulations on the subject –, focusing in particular on the decree of August 21, 2008. The standard NF P 16-005 A comparison of French regulations with those in force in other countries is also carried out. French regulations are also compared with those in force in other countries. In the third section, the principles and various technical functions used to build the systems are described in detail. The fourth section outlines the technical requirements to be met, and the methods used to ensure that sizing is in line with the intended use. The final section describes the different configurations of rainwater harvesting systems that can contribute to urban runoff management.
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building | Rainwater | harvesting | urban context
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The use of rainwater in urban buildings
Standards and norms
- Systèmes de récupération de l'eau de pluie pour son utilisation à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des bâtiments (remplacée par la norme EN 16941-1). - NF P 16-005 - 2011
- Protection contre la pollution de l'eau potable dans les réseaux intérieurs et exigences générales des dispositifs de protection contre la pollution par retour. - NF EN 1717 - 2001
- Rainwater harvesting systems – code of practice [Rainwater...
Arrêté du 21 août 2008 relatif à la récupération des eaux de pluie et à leur usage à l'intérieur et à l'extérieur des bâtiments.
Arrêté du 17 décembre 2008 relatif au contrôle des installations privatives de distribution d'eau potable, des ouvrages de prélèvement, puits et forage et des ouvrages de récupération des eaux de pluie.
ASTEE (Scientific and Technical Association for Water and the Environment). – Guide Technique Récupération et Utilisation de l'eau de pluie. Information and recommendations for the construction of systems using water from roofs and stored in situ. Paris: ASTEE, 65 p., coordinated by Bernard de Gouvello (2015).
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
Scientific and technical association for water and the environment (ASTEE) :
International Rainwater Harvesting Alliance (IRHA) :
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