1. Urban soils: characteristics, biodiversity and ecosystem services
The surface area occupied by cities today represents a significant proportion of our territory. Urbanization is a worldwide phenomenon, which in France has resulted in an increase of more than 50% in the surface area covered by cities since the 1980s. to the detriment of natural and mainly agricultural areas. In 2015, artificial surfaces represented 9.4% of metropolitan France, including 6.2% of impermeable soil (built-up, paved or stabilized).
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Urban soils: characteristics, biodiversity and ecosystem services
Destisol program :
(Accessed June 12, 2020)
Regreen program :
Standards and norms
- Soil quality – Vocabulary. ISO. - ISO 11074 - 2005
Law no. 2009-967 of August 3, 2009 on the implementation of the Grenelle Environment Round Table, also known as the Grenelle I Law.
Loi n° 2010-788 du 12 juillet 2010 portant engagement national pour l'environnement or Grenelle II law.
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Nematode indicator by Elisol :
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AITF (Association des Ingénieurs Territoriaux de France) :
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