5. Glossary
Ecodesign; Ecodesign
A methodical approach that takes into account the environmental aspects of the design and development process with the aim of reducing negative environmental impacts throughout a product's life cycle (standard ISO 14006 ).
Bio-inspiration ; Bio-inspiration
Observing nature, understanding the phenomena at play, to draw inspiration and duplicate natural genius. Bio-inspiration plays a part in the technical, architectural and aesthetic response of the structure to be built. It makes it possible to reproduce natural habitats to propose one of the major environmental functions.
Marine structures; Marine infrastructures
Marine structures are infrastructures located in the maritime...
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Standards and norms
(Non-exhaustive list)
- Environmental management – Lifecycle analysis – Principles and framework. - ISO 14040 - 2006
- Environmental management systems – Guidelines for integrating ecodesign. - ISO 14006 - 2020
(non-exhaustive list)
Law no. 76-629 of July 10, 1976 on nature protection (JORF of July 13, 1976).
Law no. 85-704 of July 12, 1985 on public contracting and its relationship with private contracting (JORF of July 13, 1985).
Law no. 2016-1087 of August 8, 2016 for the reconquest of biodiversity, nature and landscapes (JORF no. 0184 of August 9, 2016)....
Organizations – Federations – Associations (non-exhaustive list)
AFIE (Association française interprofessionnelle des écologues) :
AUGC (Association universitaire de génie civil) :
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