2. Justification of selected compensatory measures
Compensatory measures must be justified. These measures should not be determined solely on the basis of the causes and consequences of possible accidents, but also on the basis of the existence of techniques for improving safety in comparison with the best-equipped similar facilities, whether in France or abroad (best available techniques, BAT, see § ).
Criteria to justify the choice of measures can be, for example :
identified scenarios: probability, cause and consequence ;
regulatory compliance of your installations;
comparison of the means selected with the best available technologies BAT ;
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Justification of selected compensatory measures
Published by TI Dans les Techniques de l'Ingénieur
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Regulations (non-exhaustive list)
Law no. 87-565 of July 22, 1987 on the organization of civil security, the protection of forests against fire and the prevention of major risks (JORF of July 23, 1987).
Decree no. 88-622 of May 6, 1988 on emergency plans in application of law no. 87-565 of July 22, 1987 on the organization of civil security, the protection of forests against fire and the prevention of major risks...
Légifrance (public service for the dissemination of law) http://www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Directory of technological accidents http://www.aria.developpement-durable.gouv.fr/
French Ministry of Ecology, Energy, Sustainable...
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