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The Environment Code can be consulted in full on the Légifrance website: https://www.legifrance.gouv.fr
Ordinance no. 2000-914 of September 18, 2000 relating to the legislative part of the Environment Code is at the origin of the Environment Code. Books I er , III, IV and V of the regulatory part of the Environment Code were published by Decree no. 2005-935 of August 2, 2005 on the regulatory part of the Environment Code, while Books II and VI were published by Decree no. 2007-397...
- Waste characterization – Leaching – Compliance test for fragmented waste and sludge leaching – Part 2: single-batch test with a liquid-solid ratio of 10 L.kg-1 and a particle size of less than 4 mm (with or without particle size reduction). - NF EN ISO 12457-2 - décembre 2002
- Waste characterization – Leaching behavior tests – Upflow percolation test (under specified conditions). - NF EN 14405 - avril 2017
- Waste characterization...
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