4. Failures, postponements, growing uncertainties, for what reasons?
While aerial cable may look interesting on paper, actual implementation is rare and, as we've just seen, sometimes takes a long time. This is due to a number of factors, which we'll attempt to review below. First and foremost, the "urbanization" of cableways is a question of their integration into the landscape, even more so than overflight issues, which are sometimes raised, or their relevance to an already extensive choice of transport modes. While a cable routed through a heterogeneous area already marked by transport infrastructure or high-voltage lines (as in the case of Câble 1 in the Paris region) may go relatively unnoticed (although it has not been acclaimed locally), its insertion into more homogeneous urbanized areas with a higher proportion of housing may prove more problematic. Last but not least, financing issues may play a role, if the gains initially announced are encumbered...
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Failures, postponements, growing uncertainties, for what reasons?
Standards and norms
STRMTG, Remontées mécaniques RM1; Exploitation, modification et maintenance des téléphériques, version 4 of December 22, 2017.
Arrêté du 23 mai 2003 relatif aux dossiers de sécurité des systèmes de transport guidés public urbains, JORF n° 132 du 8 juin 2003 NOR : EQUT0300808A.
Arrêté du 7 août 2009 relatif à la conception, à la réalisation, à la modification, à l'exploitation et à la maintenance des téléphériques, JORF n° 2016 du 18 septembre 2009 NOR : DEVT0916606A.
Ordonnance n° 2015-1495 du 18 novembre...
Manufacturers – Suppliers – Distributors (non-exhaustive list)
Bartholet Maschinenbau AG
Doppelmayr Seilbahnen GmbH – Garaventa
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