Article | REF: R308 V1

Time-frequency representations in signal processing

Authors: Pierre-Yves ARQUÈS, Nadège THIRION-MOREAU, Éric MOREAU

Publication date: September 10, 2000

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  • Pierre-Yves ARQUÈS: Professor at ISITV, Université de Toulon et du Var - Scientific advisor to the Naval Systems Technical Center (DCE/DGA)

  • Nadège THIRION-MOREAU: Senior lecturer at ISITV, Université de Toulon et du Var

  • Éric MOREAU: Senior lecturer at ISITV, Université de Toulon et du Var


Signal processing, in the general sense of the term, is concerned with the study, design and production of signal processing systems. A signal is a model representing a phenomenon that evolves in time, space, etc., and is intended to carry information. The aim of signal theory is to develop these models, and to study the various analysis tools that can be applied to them. A wide variety of physical phenomena and devices produce signals: speech synthesizers, radar antennas, sonar antennas, cameras, television transmitters, sensors at the interface between a physical medium and a measurement system, stock market quotations...

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Time-frequency representations in signal processing