6. Power injected by external forces
In a SEA model, the excitation terms are the powers injected into each subsystem by external forces. It is therefore necessary to estimate these powers from the force fields applied to the various subsystems.
The power injected in the frequency band of width Δω is generally calculated according to the relation :
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Power injected by external forces
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GSSEA-Light: Gothenburg Sound AB, Sweden
SEAM, SEAM 3D: Cambridge Collaborative Inc, USA
SEA+, SEAVirt, SEA-TEST, SEA-XP: InterAC, 10 impasse Borde-Basse, ZA La Violette,...
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- Acoustics – Sound insulation measurement of buildings and building components/Laboratory measurement of airborne sound attenuation by building components. - ISO 140-3 - 1995
- Acoustics – Acoustic insulation measurement of buildings and building components/In situ measurement of airborne sound insulation between rooms. - ISO 140-4 - 1998
- Détermination des niveaux de puissance acoustique émis par les sources...
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