8. Analyzer description
The brief descriptions of turbidimeters given below, by way of example, are taken from data supplied by the manufacturers (websites, documentation).
8.1 Scattered light
4670 with cell 7997 (ABB Instrumentation, ABB Automation)
An overview of cells and transmitters is shown in figure 27 .
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Analyzer description
Turbidity: the reduction in transparency of a liquid due to the presence of undissolved matter (NF EN ISO 7027 standard).
The definitions below are taken from FD ISO GUIDE 30.
Reference material (RM): material or substance for which one or more property values are sufficiently homogeneous and well defined to enable it to...
Ministerial Order of February 2, 1998, published in the Journal Officiel of March 3, 1998
* Section III – Surface water pollution
Article 31
For receiving waters to which the provisions of Decree no. 91-1283 of December 19, 1991 apply, the effects of discharge must comply with the following provisions: no increase of more than 30% in suspended solids.
- Water quality – Turbidity determination. - NF EN ISO 7027 - (mars 2000)
- Qualité de l'eau. Échantillonnage. Partie 1 : lignes directrices pour la conception des programmes et des techniques d'échantillonnage. - NF EN ISO 5667-1 - 2007
- Qualité de l'eau. Échantillonnage. Partie 3 : lignes directrices pour la conservation et la manipulation des échantillons d'eau. - NF EN ISO 5667-3 - 2004
- Qualité de l'eau....
Manufacturers and distributors
Table 1 lists the main equipment manufacturers and their distributors.
Association of Measurement, Control and Automation Equipment Operators (Exera) http://www.exera.com/
ISA Instrumentation, Systems and Automation Society http://www.isa.org
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